October 25, 2024

Black Entrepreneur History

#1 Source for Black Entrepreneur History

Why Black-Owned Grocery Stores Are One of the Keys To Wellness & Success for Black People

Across the United States, there is a growing need for more Black-owned grocery stores. With the expansion of places where African American people live and thrive in the country as well as places that have been black neighborhoods and areas for well over a century that may need to be revitalized, there needs to be more Black-owned grocery stores to sustain the wellness and growth of Black people.

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How do Black-owned grocery stores make for well-rounded and well-off African American communities?

  • Providing Healthy Options and Great Prices
  • Providing a Place for Local Black Farmers to Distribute Food
  • Provide Nearby Jobs for the Community
  • Provide Nearby Options for the Elderly and Disabled
  • Provide a Secure Place for Food Security During Economic Downturns

There are several food deserts in areas around the country where less nutritious foods are being sold at a price too high for those who live nearby. Some majority Black areas must drive for over five miles to even reach a grocery store, meaning that elderly and poor may not have a way to and from the grocery stores if needed.

Now that we know there is a need for Black-owned grocery stores to become a place of food security in Black areas around the country, rich or lower income, the challenge becomes the knowledge on how to start one.

  1. Develop a business plan, location and what type of grocery store desired – franchise or your very own where you make the rules specifically for your target customers.
  2. Secure financing and all legal requirements for your business, from the licensing/permits to the insurance
  3. Determine what products will be sold and from where they will be sourced such as local contracts with farmers, other larger chains,etc.
  4. Purchase equipment and inventory such as freezer, shelving etc
  5. Hire and train individuals according to your business model and goals.
  6. Launch and marketing your business to attract customers.

In the end, Black-owned grocery stores should provide what all other grocers provide plus one important ingredient that every other grocery store may not have – a place for the Black dollar to circulate and remain for the success of the Black farmer, Black products and Black consumers.

Remember that it wasn’t too long ago that the government banned Black people from entering and shopping so many places, therefore, history has taught Black people to have their own in order to survive and thrive – and that includes food.

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