January 12, 2025

Black Entrepreneur History

#1 Source for Black Entrepreneur History

Blackpreneurs, Don’t Box Yourself In. Learn To Grow!

Entrepreneurship is on the rise, especially during a time where there are many closings and layoffs due to the coronavirus pandemic. Although there are many closings, there are many people who have chosen to dive into launching their own businesses during down time and to earn the income that was lost upon losing a job.

Whatever the case may be, Black entrepreneurs must know that survival in good or bad times comes through not boxing themselves in. No matter what the business, always be prepared to add on, or expand and grow, through that business.

One great example of a Black entrepreneur of the past is John Telemachus Hilton. Not only did J.T. Hilton open his own salon in the city of Boston, but he made it sort of like a mini supercenter by adding other goods in services such as retail and more.

Knowing how to expand from within your business is a great way to survive a storm, such as a pandemic, because:

  • It provides the business more than one leg to stand on
  • It provides diversity for patrons
  • It keeps customers in the know

Therefore, while building a business, never reach the top. Always keep your creative mind open for what can be added to your business to make it stand out from the rest in a powerful and constructive way.

Read more about John Telemachus Hilton here.

Akirim Press