December 21, 2024

Black Entrepreneur History

#1 Source for Black Entrepreneur History

Like the Greatest Black Entrepreneurs Before Him, LeBron James To Develop Akron’s HOUSE THREE THIRTY For Community

LeBron James and the LeBron James Family Foundation is expanding the hopes and dreams of the Akron area youth with the launching of House Three Thirty, a 60,000 square foot “sanctuary for our families” that includes:

  • Dining Space and Coffee Bar
  • Job Training
  • Financial Literacy Advice
  • Youth Recreation
  • Private Card Room

House 330, named after Akron’s area code, will open in 2022, and it will provide hands on training in what may grow into entrepreneurial endeavors, such as heating and air, merchandising, event planning and more.

House 330 is only one in many additions to the I Promise school LeBron James opened in 2018. We can assume that even with House 330 that LeBron is far from finished. Read more at Time.

In the vein of many of our Black entrepreneurs of the past such as Annie M.T. Malone, Mary M. Bethune and Booker T. Washington, who opened and developed multi-million dollar venues and schools for African American people to have a place to thrive and call their own, LeBron James has taken the success of the present and future in his hands for the youth in his area, making an huge impact on the nation.