October 25, 2024

Black Entrepreneur History

#1 Source for Black Entrepreneur History

Black Female Entrepreneur Grows Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Business In Columbia, South Carolina

She turned the low income housing in Columbia, South Carolina where she used to dwell into her first construction job in her multi million dollar business.

Her name is Lasenta Lewis-Ellis and her company is LLE Construction Group which constructed the 1400 square foot homes in the area called Swinton Pointe. Another important detail – she is African American – and what she noticed was what was missing in the business.

According to ColaDaily, she stated that no other companies wanted smaller jobs and since she didn’t have the capital to do the bigger jobs, she gladly took the smaller. From that, everything grew! Ever heard of that Biblical verse of not despising small beginnings? Well, here is proof that one should never despise them.

Even Lasenta Lewis-Ellis says the basic knowledge is power so know your craft and give back. One of the other Black Entrepreneurs of History who did exactly what Lasenta Lewis-Ellis did, started small and worked toward even more greatness, was William Lanson when he started his quarrying business and then ended up creating the neighborhood called New Liberia in the 19th century. Another Black History Entrepreneur who created greatness from small beginnings was Ottowa Gurley of Black Wall Street.

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