LeBron James is officially a two book author, releasing his second middle-aged children's book titled We Are Family, along with...
Two Black women, Cheryl Mayberry McKissack and Desiree Rogers have made a major purchase after the bankruptcy of Johnson Publishing...
Once upon a time in Black Entrepreneur History lived an African American man named Clarence W. Wigington, and he became...
Norman Oates, founder of Norman Oates Photography, has carved out a career of his own after discovering his self-taught passion....
Upon opening your first business, the excitement of it all could cause new business owners to overlook one thing…accounting. Without...
Well-known in both Harlem, New York and Branchville, South Carolina is the Owens Funeral Home, founded by licensed funeral director...
The youth are the future, and author Justina Nneka Nnama knows this all too well as the founder of Nigeria's...
David Steward is the founder of one of the largest Black owned companies in the United States of America, and...
Founder of Red Rooster Overtown restaurant in Miami, Florida and author of multiple cookbooks, Chef Marcus Samuelsson is diving into...
Let's start with the foundational question. What exactly is a startup? Some may think it's simply launching a business. Well,...
The next time you're in the mood for an ice cold treat while strolling the grocery store aisles, stop by...
Serena Williams has joined other power players by investing in a new Black owned healthcare start up called HUED. HUED...
Once upon a time in Black Entrepreneur History there lived a Nigerian man named Chief Olufela Obafunmilayo “Fela” Sowande who...
Once upon a time in Black Entrepreneur History lived an African American man named William J. Powell who became the...
LaQuan Smith is a phenom in the luxury fashion industry as a fashion designer and founder of LaQuan Smith, LLC....